Whirling Frog Buzzer 發出青蛙聲音的樂器


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Code : TT 04

Introduction :
Whirling Frog Buzzer is a musical instrument which produces frog crying sound. A nylon line is tied between the wooden handle and the soundbox. Grasp the handle and turn the soundbox round in a circle. Frog crying sound is produced by friction.

Whirling Frog Buzzer 是會發出青蛙聲音的樂器。用一條尼龍線把木製手柄與共鳴筒連接起來。手執木柄,旋轉共鳴筒,透過摩擦便會發出青蛙的叫聲

Size :
Length : ~16 cm
Diameter of Soundbox : ~4.5 cm
Length of Soundbox : ~5 cm

Made in Bali, Indonesia

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

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