Antara, Zampona (Pan Flute) 安塔拉排笛 - S size 細型


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Code : TT 59

Manufacturer 製作者 : Francisco Quisp

Introduction :
Antara, Zampona is an Andean Bamboo Antara Pan Flute. Hand crafted in the highlands of Peru, these pan flutes create haunting melodies. Antaras are native to the Andes. Made with bamboo reeds from the lakes and creeks. Natives have played folk music for thousands of years. They are easy to play and the different size canes produce different tones when blown at different angles from the top.

安塔拉排笛 (Antara, Zampona) 是安第斯安塔拉竹排笛。這排笛是秘魯高地的手工製品,能發出令人難忘的旋律。安塔拉族人 (Antaras) 是安第斯山脈的原居民。安塔拉排笛由湖泊和小溪的竹蘆葦所製造。千百年來,當地原居民都用這排笛吹奏民間音樂。它們很容易吹奏,從不同角度吹笛管的上方,不同長度的笛管會發出不同的音調。

Size :
17.5 x 16 cm

Materials 材料 :
Bamboo-shaped Reed 竹節狀蘆葦

Made in Peru (Hand-made; Fair Trade Product)

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
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