Ranaht C (Thai Xylophone) 泰國木琴 C


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Code : TT 71

Introduction :
Ranaht is a unique traditional Thai Xylophone. Ranaht is the common name of Thai keyboard percussion instrument which is made ​​of bamboo or wood.
Keys can be made from a wide variety of materials. Wood or bamboo (ranat ek and ranat thum), metal (ranat ek lek and ranat thum lek) and, more rarely, glass (ranat kaeo) can also be used to make keys. The instrument is Thai boat-shaped with beautiful and colorful decorations.
Ranat ek, the boat-shaped xylophone used in ensemble is much bigger. The body is hollow box on a stand, which is made of either hardwood or bamboo and is often decorated with gilt carving or pearl. 21 keys (or 22 keys) are suspended across the open top of the box. The total length of the instrument is 120 cm. The keys are tuned underneath with a mixture of beeswax and lead. The ranat ek can be played with both hard and soft sticks, according to the requirement of occasion. Ranat ek has the register for three octaves and often performs the main melody together with gong wong yai in piphat ensemble. Same style of this instrument circulates in other south-eastern countries, such as Myanmar and Indonesia, Java.

Ranaht 是獨特的泰國傳統木琴。Ranaht 是泰國音板敲擊樂器的通用名稱,可用竹或木製成。
音板可用各種各樣材料製成,用木或竹(ranat ek ranat thum),用金屬(ranat ek lek ranat thum lek);或比較不常見的,用玻璃(ranat kaeo)製造音板。樂器的形狀是泰國船型,有美麗多彩的裝飾。
用於樂團演奏的 Ranat ek(船形木琴)比較大。由21個音板組成(或22個音板),琴身總長度為120厘米。音板材料為木或竹,放置於一個木造船型的共鳴箱上,底座為有紋飾的木塊。木琴的音板以繩子串連後,緊密地並列排放,懸掛於支撐音板的木箱上。在音板底下放置蜂蠟和鉛的混合物,用以調音。琴的兩端各有一塊朝上的邊板,琴身與邊板皆有美麗的雕刻裝飾,極為優雅。演奏時,演奏者坐在地上,兩手各握一支頂端包有軟墊的細長琴槌,敲打木琴發聲。音域有三個八度,多用於合奏,並且常與泰式中音環狀排鑼一起演奏主旋律。相同風格的樂器也出現在東南部的其他國家,如緬甸和印尼的爪哇。

Size :
Length : 41.5 cm
Height : 23 cm
Width : 16 cm
Weight : 1.32 kg

Made in Thailand

Remarks :
The instrument shown is hand-crafted model musical instrument. It is made of real wood and can produce sound, but the pitch / tune is not accurate.


Sound of Ranaht C :

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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Ranaht B (Thai Xylophone) 泰國木琴 B


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Code : TT 70

Introduction :
Ranaht is a unique traditional Thai Xylophone. Ranaht is the common name of Thai keyboard percussion instrument which is made ​​of bamboo or wood.
Keys can be made from a wide variety of materials. Wood or bamboo (ranat ek and ranat thum), metal (ranat ek lek and ranat thum lek) and, more rarely, glass (ranat kaeo) can also be used to make keys. The instrument is Thai boat-shaped with beautiful and colorful decorations.
Ranat ek, the boat-shaped xylophone used in ensemble is much bigger. The body is hollow box on a stand, which is made of either hardwood or bamboo and is often decorated with gilt carving or pearl. 21 keys (or 22 keys) are suspended across the open top of the box. The total length of the instrument is 120 cm. The keys are tuned underneath with a mixture of beeswax and lead. The ranat ek can be played with both hard and soft sticks, according to the requirement of occasion. Ranat ek has the register for three octaves and often performs the main melody together with gong wong yai in piphat ensemble. Same style of this instrument circulates in other south-eastern countries, such as Myanmar and Indonesia, Java.

Ranaht 是獨特的泰國傳統木琴。Ranaht 是泰國音板敲擊樂器的通用名稱,可用竹或木製成。
音板可用各種各樣材料製成,用木或竹(ranat ek ranat thum),用金屬(ranat ek lek ranat thum lek);或比較不常見的,用玻璃(ranat kaeo)製造音板。樂器的形狀是泰國船型,有美麗多彩的裝飾。
用於樂團演奏的 Ranat ek(船形木琴)比較大。由21個音板組成(或22個音板),琴身總長度為120厘米。音板材料為木或竹,放置於一個木造船型的共鳴箱上,底座為有紋飾的木塊。木琴的音板以繩子串連後,緊密地並列排放,懸掛於支撐音板的木箱上。在音板底下放置蜂蠟和鉛的混合物,用以調音。琴的兩端各有一塊朝上的邊板,琴身與邊板皆有美麗的雕刻裝飾,極為優雅。演奏時,演奏者坐在地上,兩手各握一支頂端包有軟墊的細長琴槌,敲打木琴發聲。音域有三個八度,多用於合奏,並且常與泰式中音環狀排鑼一起演奏主旋律。相同風格的樂器也出現在東南部的其他國家,如緬甸和印尼的爪哇。

Size :
Length : 28 cm
Height : 17.5 cm
Width : 10 cm
Weight : 450 g

Made in Thailand

Remarks :
The instrument shown is hand-crafted model musical instrument. It is made of real wood and can produce sound, but the pitch / tune is not accurate.


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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Ranaht A (Thai Xylophone) 泰國木琴 A

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Code : TT 69

Introduction :
Ranaht is a unique traditional Thai Xylophone. Ranaht is the common name of Thai keyboard percussion instrument which is made ​​of bamboo or wood.
Keys can be made from a wide variety of materials. Wood or bamboo (ranat ek and ranat thum), metal (ranat ek lek and ranat thum lek) and, more rarely, glass (ranat kaeo) can also be used to make keys. The instrument is Thai boat-shaped with beautiful and colorful decorations.
Ranat ek, the boat-shaped xylophone used in ensemble is much bigger. The body is hollow box on a stand, which is made of either hardwood or bamboo and is often decorated with gilt carving or pearl. 21 keys (or 22 keys) are suspended across the open top of the box. The total length of the instrument is 120 cm. The keys are tuned underneath with a mixture of beeswax and lead. The ranat ek can be played with both hard and soft sticks, according to the requirement of occasion. Ranat ek has the register for three octaves and often performs the main melody together with gong wong yai in piphat ensemble. Same style of this instrument circulates in other south-eastern countries, such as Myanmar and Indonesia, Java.

Ranaht 是獨特的泰國傳統木琴。Ranaht是泰國音板敲擊樂器的通用名稱,可用竹或木製成。
音板可用各種各樣材料製成,用木或竹(ranat ek ranat thum),用金屬(ranat ek lek ranat thum lek);或比較不常見的,用玻璃(ranat kaeo)製造音板。樂器的形狀是泰國船型,有美麗多彩的裝飾。
用於樂團演奏的 Ranat ek(船形木琴)比較大。由21個音板組成(或22個音板),琴身總長度為120厘米。音板材料為木或竹,放置於一個木造船型的共鳴箱上,底座為有紋飾的木塊。木琴的音板以繩子串連後,緊密地並列排放,懸掛於支撐音板的木箱上。在音板底下放置蜂蠟和鉛的混合物,用以調音。琴的兩端各有一塊朝上的邊板,琴身與邊板皆有美麗的雕刻裝飾,極為優雅。演奏時,演奏者坐在地上,兩手各握一支頂端包有軟墊的細長琴槌,敲打木琴發聲。音域有三個八度,多用於合奏,並且常與泰式中音環狀排鑼一起演奏主旋律。相同風格的樂器也出現在東南部的其他國家,如緬甸和印尼的爪哇。

Size :
Length : 28 cm
Height : 17.5 cm
Width : 10 cm
Weight : 450 g

Made in Thailand

Remarks :
The instrument shown is hand-crafted model musical instrument. It is made of real wood and can produce sound, but the pitch / tune is not accurate.


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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Kora 非洲豎琴


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Code : TT 49
(for playing, for decoration)

Introduction :
Kora is a harp-lute used by the Mandinka people in Mali, Guinea, Senegal, Gambia and northeastern part of the Ivory Coast. It has been in use for at least 200 years, and was first described in the literature on African music as “a large 18-string harp”. Today’s kora has 21 strings divided into two parallel groups running parallel to the soundbox. There are eleven strings on the left and ten on the right, passing through a bridge with the respective number of slits. Its soundbox is a very large hemisphere made from a calabash – half a gourd – over which is stretched a cowhide soundboard. Penetrating this skin are two wooden rods that protrude for a distance upward, parallel to the neck. These serve as hand-holds for the player. The player plucks the strings with his thumbs and forefingers. As with some other African instruments, the notes of the scale are distributed between the two hands.
Kora is usually used to accompany singing, though solos ad duos are not unusual. Kora music, an intricate weaving of melody and rhythm, has many fine practitioners, and some have achieved wide international acclaim.

非洲豎琴 (Kora) 是在馬里、幾內亞、塞內加爾、岡比亞和象牙海岸東北部Mandinka族人所使用的豎琴。它至少有200多年歷史,在非洲音樂文學被形容為『一個大的十八弦豎琴』。今天的非洲豎琴有二十一條弦,分為兩組,平行地連繫在共鳴箱上。左邊有十一條弦,右邊有十條弦,各自通過橋樑的狹縫。它的共鳴箱是一個非常大的半球體,由葫蘆製成(半邊葫蘆),共鳴箱面覆蓋了牛皮製的音板。兩條木棒穿過牛皮製的音板,向上伸出,平行琴頸,作為演奏者的手柄。演奏者用他的拇指和食指撥弄琴弦演奏。與其他一些非洲樂器,音色的範圍分佈於兩隻手之間。

Size :
Length : 40 cm
Diameter : 12 cm

Made in Ghana, Africa

Sound of Kora :

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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Gamelan Xylophone 甘美朗銅片琴

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Code : TT 19, TT 20

Introduction :
As the story went, the bronze-keyed xylophone, Saron developed from xylophone (gambang) and spelled gambang in the 9th century. However, the ethnomusicologist Mantle Hood queried this statement. He thought there is no accurate evidence until now to prove this statement and the origin of saron may be earlier than gambang. Saron is the loud-style instrument. It is the xylophone with to 7 metal keys or the bronze metallophones resting over a resonator whose altitude is 20 cm. It is struck with one hammer-shaped beater made of wood.
Although similar in general appearance to the xylophone, the metallophone has bars made of metal instead of wood. Particularly important in the Far East, metallophones of different kinds and sizes form the largest section in the gamelan orchestras of Java and Bali.

關於銅片琴 (saron) 的產生,被認為是在九世紀時作為木琴 (gambang) 的輪替樂器,並且從它演變而來;然而,民族音樂學者Mantle Hood質疑這種說法,認為目前尚無確切的證據證明這一說法,銅片琴起源也可能比木琴來得更早。銅片琴為聲音清亮的樂器,主要是以六到七塊左右的金屬製木琴,或者銅製的金屬發聲樂器 (metallophones),將它們放在一個高度為20厘米的共鳴箱內,然後用一個木製的錘形棒子來敲擊演奏。
雖然在整體外觀上類似木琴,金屬發聲樂器 (metallophone) 用金屬片代替木材製成琴鍵。它特別在遠東地區佔有重要的地位,不同種類和大小的金屬發聲樂器 (metallophones) 形成在爪哇及峇里島的甘美朗樂團最大的部分。

Size :
Gamelan Xylophone A (TT 19) : 41 x 11 x 12 cm
Gamelan Xylophone B (TT 20) : 28 x 9 x 10 cm

Made in Bali, Indonesia

Sound of Gamelan Xylophone A :

Sound of Gamelan Xylophone B :

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022

Gankeke Bell 非洲 Benin Gankeke 鐘


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Code : TT 65

Introduction :
Gankeke Bell is made ​​of iron. The bell is used to call ancestors and gods. The sound produced when the bell is struck with a beater varies according to the diameter of the bell and the point at which it is struck.
Gankeke bell and gong are played in most parts of southern Benin, however, their shapes vary depending on the usage even in one region. In the area of Adja - FON culture, ​​small gongs (20 - 30 cm) are commonly used in a folk group. Big bell, maximum length up to 50 cm, can also be found. Gankeke bell is most often played in the religious orchestra or in the funeral ceremony. The instrument is played mainly by men.

非洲 Benin Gankeke 是用鐵製造的,它是用來叫喚祖先和神靈。用棒子敲打鐘,便會發出聲音。根據鐘不同的的直徑、不同的敲打位置,會發出不同的聲音。
非洲 Benin Gankeke 鐘和鑼在貝寧南部的大部分地區廣被使用,但是,即使在同一地區,它們的形狀會根據不同用途而有所不同。在 Adja - FON 的文化地區,小鑼(20 - 30厘米),常被用於民間組合,而長度可達50厘米的大鐘也存在。非洲 Benin Gankeke 鐘經常被用於宗教樂團或葬禮儀式上。它主要由男性演奏。

Size :
24 x 16 cm

Made in Benin, Africa

Sound of Gankeke Bell :

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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Bamboo Didgeridoo 竹製 Didgeridoo

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Code : TT 43

Introduction :
Didgeridoo is an Australian aboriginal instrument made of a variety of materials : wood, bamboo, tree bark, reptile or fish skin, or various kinds of stick. The most famous Australian instrument, however, which has become a symbol of the continent along with the boomerang and the kangaroo, is the didgeridoo : a trumpet of considerable length made of a sapling that has been hollowed out by termites. The pitch of the didgeridoo varies according to the length of the tube. Didgeridoo produces a continuous penetrating sound, though skilled players are capable of occasionally interjecting short vocal phrases. The didgeridoo is thus a kind of “storyteller”.
Didgeridoos are played by men and boys, often together with clapping sticks, to accompany singing and dancing as well as for funeral ceremonies. The best position for playing the didgeridoo is seated with one leg bent to the side and the other stretched forward, with the foot helping to support the instrument.

Didgeridoo 是澳洲土著的一種樂器,可用各種材料製成,如木、竹、樹皮、爬蟲類、魚皮或各種棒子。然而,這澳洲最著名的樂器,連同迴力鏢和袋鼠已成為澳洲大陸的象徵。Didgeridoo是用被白蟻掏空了的樹幹作吹管的長喇叭。根據吹管的不同長度,didgeridoo 的聲音也不同。Didgeridoo 能發出連續而穿透的聲音,雖然熟練的演奏者有能力,偶爾會加插短聲樂於其中。因此,didgeridoo 可說是一種會『講故事』的樂器。
Didgeridoos 男士及男孩吹奏,通常與拍手棒子 (clapping sticks) 一同演奏,為唱歌、跳舞伴奏,以及用於葬禮儀式上。最佳演奏 didgeridoo 姿勢是坐着,一條腿向側面屈曲,另一條腿向前伸展,用腳掌協助支撐樂器。

Size :
Length : ~1 m

Made in Bali, Indonesia

Sound of Didgeridoo :

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org