Ocarina & Tarka Flute 陶笛及塔爾卡笛子


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Code : 61

Manufacturer 製作者 : Porfidio Ccaquaquin

Introduction :
Ocarina and Tarka Flute are the oldest musical instruments of the Americas. Both of these instruments are traditional to the mountains of Peru.
Over 5,000 years ago, the ocarina flute was made by the natives of the west coast of South America. These fired clay whistles have been used to play tunes as well as to communicate by sound in the mountainous terrain of the Andes. Ocarinas are hand painted with symbols from the regions in which they are made, these particular ones come from Pisac Peru.
The tarka flute has been played in the Altiplano region of the Andes for hundreds of years. After the Spanish conquest the natives made a version of the European recorder made of cedar wood and carved it with symbols from their villages. The tarka is a durable and easy instrument to play.

在安第斯山脈的高原地區,數百年來一直吹奏塔爾卡笛子。被西班牙征服佔領後,當地原居民用雪松木製成依歐洲 recorder 為藍的笛子,並刻有他們村落的符號、圖案。塔爾卡笛子是​​一種耐用而簡單的樂器。

Size :
Ocarina – Length : 6.5 cm
Tarka Flute – Length : 14 cm

Materials 材料 :
Ocarina – Clay 粘土
Tarka Flute – Wood

Made in Peru (Hand-painted; Fair Trade Product)

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

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