Ocarina 陶笛


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Code : TT 29

Manufacture Artist 製作藝術家 : Veronica Galleguillos

Introduction :
Ocarinas are vessel flutes with a whistle head and up to eight finger holes. The name ocarina was first used by Giuseppe Donati, who invented such an instrument in the late 1800s. Ocarinas of different sizes were used in ensembles in the early 1900s, and were also introduced into the folk music of many countries.
Ocarina means “little goose” in Italian, and is a vessel – usually ceramic – of varying globular shapes that produces a rounded, plummy flute tone. It is known throughout Europe, and there are similar instruments with a long history in South America and among the Maoris of New Zealand (where it is called a nguru).

陶笛是擁有像哨子頂部及可有八個指孔的笛子。陶笛這名字最早是由 Giuseppe Donati 所採用,他於19世紀末期發明這樂器。在20世紀初,大小不同的陶笛被用於合奏上。另外,陶笛也被引入了許多國家的民間音樂中。
陶笛在意大利文中,是『小鵝』的意思,通常用陶瓷製造,可有不同的形狀。它會發出圓潤的長笛聲音。陶笛在整個歐洲非常普遍,也有類似的樂器在南美及新西蘭Maoris中(在當地它被稱為 nguru)擁有悠久的歷史。

Size :
Length : ~11 cm
Diameter : ~9 cm

Made in Chile (Andes’ Ceramic Ocarina)

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

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