Tibet Candle Holder 西藏燭台


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Code : CG 11

Size :
Height : 11 cm
Unfold Length : 15 cm
Weight : 320 g

Material : Copper(銅)

Made in Tibet / Nepal

Video of Tibet Candle Holder :

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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Singing Bowl C 會唱歌的碗(座鐘)C


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Code : TT 101

Introduction :
Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls, rin gongs, Himalayan bowls or suzu gongs) are a type of bell, specifically classified as a standing bell. Rather than hanging inverted or attached to a handle, singing bowls sit with the bottom surface resting. The sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound characterized by a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) and usually two audible harmonic overtones (second and third harmonic).
Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, personal well-being. They are used by a wide range of professionals, including health professionals, school teachers, musicians and spiritual teachers. They are popular in classrooms to help facilitate group activities and focus students' attention.
Singing bowls were historically made throughout Asia, especially Nepal, China and Japan. They are closely related to decorative bells made along the Silk Road from the Near East to Western Asia. Today they are made in Nepal, India, Japan, China and Korea.


Size :
Diameter : 10 cm
Height : 4 cm
Thickness : 2 mm
Weight (total) : 250 g

Material : Coppernickel(白銅)

Remarks :
With hammer

Made in Tibet / Nepal

Sound of Singing Bowl C :

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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Armillary Sphere 渾天儀、日規


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Code : CG 10

Introduction :
Measuring the run and the position of celestial bodies, it is used as astronomical instrument, and is also known as Xuanji Pier and Armillary Sphere.
It is estimated that the Armillary Sphere has been used since the latter period of the Three Kingdoms era to the unified Silla and Goryeo dynasty. According to literature records, it was first manufactured in 1433 (Sejong 15).


Size :
Diameter : 26 cm
Height : 30 cm
Length of Arrow : 40 cm
Weight : ~1.9 kg

Made in China

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(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Singing Bowl B 會唱歌的碗(座鐘)B

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Code : TT 100

Introduction :
Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls, rin gongs, Himalayan bowls or suzu gongs) are a type of bell, specifically classified as a standing bell. Rather than hanging inverted or attached to a handle, singing bowls sit with the bottom surface resting. The sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound characterized by a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) and usually two audible harmonic overtones (second and third harmonic).
Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, personal well-being. They are used by a wide range of professionals, including health professionals, school teachers, musicians and spiritual teachers. They are popular in classrooms to help facilitate group activities and focus students' attention.
Singing bowls were historically made throughout Asia, especially Nepal, China and Japan. They are closely related to decorative bells made along the Silk Road from the Near East to Western Asia. Today they are made in Nepal, India, Japan, China and Korea.

會唱歌的碗(座鐘)(又稱西藏頌缽、rin 鑼,喜馬拉雅碗或suzu鑼),是鐘的一種,特別分類為座鐘。不是懸掛或連接到手柄,會唱歌的碗(座鐘)是放着演奏。碗兩側及邊緣振動,發出聲音,產生基本頻率(第一次諧波),通常有兩種聲音的諧波泛音(第二次及第三次諧波)。

Size :
Weight : 335 g
Diameter : 5 inch (12 cm)
Height : 2.25 inch (6 cm)
Thickness : 3 mm
Material : Brass(黃銅)
Weight (total) : 406 g

Remarks :
With support cushion and hammer

Made in Tibet / Nepal

Sound of Singing Bowl B :

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Tibet Conch Shell (Sankha) B 西藏海螺喇叭 B


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Code : TT 99

Introduction :
Tibet Conch Shell (Sankha) is plated with turquoise.
Turquoise is a beautiful precious stone containing copper, aluminum and other materials. It belongs to the triclinic system, with light blue or blue-green colour. Although turquoise is mainly produced by Iran, but propagated from Persia via Turkey to Western Europe, hence the name contains "Turkey".


Size :
Length : ~14 cm
Diameter : ~6 cm

Made in Tibet

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org