Hello! Global Sound ~~ 你好!地球的聲音~~ 1-2


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Date 日期 : 16.07.2013
Time 時間 : 09:30 - 10:30
No. of Participants人數 : 20 - 30 家長
Place 地點 : Tsui Lam Estate Baptist Kindergarten 翠林邨浸信會幼稚園

“Nature” 『大自然』
Listen to the sound of nature 閉目聆聽大自然的聲音
Say something about your own nature 各自將心目中的大自然說出來



Touch & Feel 觸摸及感受
Touch the musical instruments directly 親身觸摸樂器
Recognition of materials : Animals, Plants & Minerals
>  Direct experience 親身體驗
>  Recognition of different materials 認識各種不同的材料
Main Point : “Life” 重點:『生命』








Making DIY Shaker 製作 DIY 搖響樂器
Make the shaker together & decorate
一同製作 DIY 搖響樂器及裝飾
>  Show imagination & creativity 發揮想像力及創意



## Aims 目的:
Bring out the Definition and Importance of Music through the Experience of playing World Folk Musical Instruments
Under comfortable environment, feel the Joy and Happiness from Music

Enquiry 查詢 :
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Hello! Global Sound ~~ 你好!地球的聲音~~ 1-1

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Date 日期 : 15.07.2013
Time 時間 : 09:30 - 10:30
No. of Participants人數 : 20 - 30 家長
Place 地點 : Tsui Lam Estate Baptist Kindergarten 翠林邨浸信會幼稚園

Listen & Think 聆聽及思考 
Introduce different musical instruments from the world
Origin 來源
Different Playing Methods 各種不同的演奏方法
>  Encourage free imagination 鼓勵自由想像
>  Understand different cultures 了解各地的文化
Main Point : “Communication” 重點:『溝通』






Play the musical instruments 演奏樂器
Play the musical instruments together or in groups
>  Show cooperation 表現合作性



Making DIY Bird Whistle 製作 DIY 鳥笛子
Make the bird whistle together & decorate
一同製作 DIY 鳥笛子及裝飾
Imagine yourself is a bird; blow own whistle & make own bird sound; guess what kind of bird you are
>  Encourage free imagination 鼓勵自由想像




## Aims 目的:
Bring out the Definition and Importance of Music through the Experience of playing World Folk Musical Instruments
Under comfortable environment, feel the Joy and Happiness from Music

Enquiry 查詢 :
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Rain Tree Thailand Drum 8” Rain Tree 泰國鼓 8”


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Code : TT 167

Diameter : 20 cm
Height : 13 cm
Weight : 1 kg
Materials : leather, rain tree

Made in Thailand

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

Bamboo Harmonica : Khene (Small Size) 竹口琴:Khene(小型)

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Code : TT 166

Introduction :
Khene is the Lao traditional musical instrument which is made ​​of bamboo and can be expressed as harmonica. Besides the Lao tribes in Northern Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and elsewhere used this instrument, there is evidence showing similar instrument was used in Southeast Asia regions during the Bronze Age. In Cambodia, khene is the main instrument used in dance drama. Like harmonica, sound is easily produced by blowing khene. Using 5-note melody, there are five major modes, such as Lai Yai (A C D E G), Lai Noi (D F G A C), Lai Soutsanaen (G A C D E), Lai Po Sai (C D F G A), Lai Soi (D E G A B) and so on.

Khene 是老撾族的傳統樂器,用竹子製成,可以說是竹口琴。除泰國北部、老撾(寮國)、柬埔寨等地的老撾部族使用這樂器外,有記錄顯示青銅時代,在東南亞地區曾使用類似的樂器。在柬埔寨,這樂器是舞蹈劇的主要樂器。像口琴般很容易發出聲音的Khene運用5音符旋律,主要有五大模式: Lai Yai (A C D E G)Lai Noi (D F G A C)Lai Soutsanaen (G A C D E)Lai Po Sai (C D F G A) Lai Soi (D E G A B) 等。

Length : 46 x 13 cm
Weight : 200 g
Material : bamboo

Made in Thailand

Video of Khene :

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org