Tarka (Model B) : Andes Rectangular Flute - Tarka (普及型B) : 安第斯山脈四角形笛子


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Code : TT 206

Introduction :
Tarka is an Andes rectangular wooden flute, woodwind instrument with 6 finger holes. Since the mouthpiece is whistle-type, it is easy for everyone to blow.

塔爾卡 (Tarka) 安第斯山脈四角形木製笛子,是有6個指孔的木管樂器。因吹口是號角型,所以任何人都能輕鬆地吹奏出聲音。

Length : 50 cm
Material : wood

Made in Bolivia

Video of Tarka :

Enquiry 查詢 :
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Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

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