Bolivia Wood Quenacho 玻利維亞木製笛子


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Code : TT 199

Introduction :
Quenacho Flute is a traditional flute used by the Andes Indians. It is widely used from the Andes to the Amazon regions, throughout South America. Quenacho is longer than Quena and low-pitched sound can be performed. It is made of hard reeds and bamboo with 6 finger holes. Its structure and the sound making principle are similar to the ones of duanxiao and bamboo flute.

Quenacho 笛子是安第斯山脈印第安人使用的傳統笛子,是從南美安第斯山脈到亞馬遜地區被廣泛使用的樂器。Quenacho 的長度較 Quena 長,能夠奏出低音。用堅硬的蘆葦、竹子製造,有6個指孔,結構及發聲原理與短簫、洞簫相類似。

Length : 51 cm
Diameter : 4 cm
Material : Jacaranda
Key : D

Made in Bolivia

Video of Quenacho :

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