Buddhism Tool : Phurba 西藏金剛杵 : Phurba (no. 1 & 2)


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No.1 : 


No.2 : 



Code : CG 25

Introduction :
Phurba was originally used as a weapon. Under the influence of Hinduism, it symbolizes Siba god. The three parts of Phurba symbolize heaven, earth and underground world. Phurba is divided into three parts when the shaman is performing an exorcism.

Phurba 最初是用來作武器,受到印度教影響後,象徵以盂只為中心的Siba神。Phurba 的三個部份,分別象徵天上、地上及地下世界。巫師在舉行跳神儀式時,會把 Phurba 的三部份分開。

Height : 19 cm
Support : 2.5 x 10 cm
Weight : 500 g
Material : copper
Made in Nepal

Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

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