Zang-Dung, Rag-Dung A (Tibet Trumpet) 西藏喇叭 A


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Code : TT 119

Introduction :
Dung means trumpet. Different names are called according to the materials used. It is called rag dung if it is made of brass. It is called zangs dung if it is made of copper. It is called dngul dung if it is made of silver. Like a telescope, it should be extended when blowing and, it is 12-15 feet in length.

Dung 是喇叭的意思。根據製造的材料而命名:用黃銅做的,稱為rag dung;用銅做的,稱為zangs dung;用銀做的,稱為dngul dung。就像望遠鏡一樣,吹奏時需要伸長,長度可達12-15英尺。

Size : ~18-32 cm
Diameter : ~10 cm
Weight : 360 g
Materials : copper, brass
Made in Nepal

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