Kalimba E 拇指鋼琴 E


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Code : TT 78

Introduction :
Kalimba (Sansa – known as Thumb Piano in Europe) is an African musical instrument, a type of plucked idiophone, common throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Each note of a Kalimba, Mbira, Kaffir Piano and so on is a separate idiophone, and in orchestral terms, the instrument as a whole belongs in the bar percussion family (specifically : lamellophones).
Kalimba traditionally consists of a wooden board to which metal tines of varying lengths are affixed. Some have mechanisms for readily tuning the tines to different scales. The longest tines are typically placed in the center, with shorter (and thus higher-pitched) tines arranged alternately in descending order towards both sides of the instrument. Kalimba is most commonly held in both hands, with both thumbs being used to pluck tines either simultaneously or in turn. Kalimba is often played at religious ceremonies and social gatherings. The Shona people of Zimbabwe traditionally believe that mbira music brings the world of the living in contact with the world of the spirits.
Origin and Changes of Kalimba :
The Kalimba appears to have been invented twice in Africa : a wood or bamboo-tined instrument appeared on the west coast of Africa about 3000 years ago, and metal-tined lamellophones appeared in the Zambezi River valley around 1,000 years ago.

拇指鋼琴是非洲的樂器,一種彈撥類型的體鳴樂器 (idiophone),在撒哈拉以南的非洲相當普遍。Kalimba, Mbira, Kaffir Piano 等是單獨的體鳴樂器,總括來說,屬於敲擊樂器 (明確地:屬於 lamellophones 類別)。
拇指鋼琴傳統上由不同長度的金屬片子貼在木板上組成的。調整不同長度的金屬片子可以調較樂器的音調。最長的金屬片子通常放在樂器的中間,較短的金屬片子(較高音)順長度次序放置於兩側。最常用雙手拿起拇指鋼琴,用雙手拇指同時或輪流彈奏。拇指鋼琴通常於宗教儀式或社交活動上演奏。津巴布韋 Shona 族人傳統認為 mbira 音樂可以帶來生物世界與靈體世界的接觸。

Diameter : 15 - 18 cm

Made in Indonesia

Sound of Kalimba E :

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Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org

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