Code : TT 72
Introduction :
Nyatiti (Africa Kenya Lyre) is a five to eight-stringed plucked lyre from Kenya. It is a classical instrument played by the Luo people of Western Kenya, typically in Benga music. It is about two to three feet long. The player holds it to his chest while seated on a low stool. Usually it is played together with the oporo, a curved horn.
The nyatiti played by the Luos is mostly 8-stringed. The stool that the player usually sits on is traditionally known as "Orindi". Orindi is a three-legged stool as low as to the shin level of the player. The player sits down and puts down the instrument in front of him. On the toe of the player is a round-iron ring (nut-like) that produces the constant beat as he/she hits the lower bar of the instrument with it. On the same leg is "Gara", a bell that shakes all throughout the playing period. Most players wear a headgear called "Kondo" on the head mostly made from some animal skin. The dancers tie “Owalo” on their waist as they dance to the beautiful tune of nyatiti.
非洲肯亞七弦琴 (Nyatiti) 是來自肯亞,有五至八條弦線的彈撥七弦琴。它是肯亞西部Luo部族人演奏的典型樂器,尤其在Benga音樂上。它大約兩到三英尺長。演奏者把它放在胸前,坐在矮凳上演奏。通常與oporo(彎曲的號角)一同演奏。
Luos部族演奏的非洲肯亞七弦琴通常有八條弦線。演奏者通常坐的矮凳,傳統被稱為『Orindi』。Orindi是三腳凳子,高度大約是演奏者腳脛的位置。演奏者坐下,把樂器放在面前。演奏者的腳趾上,會套上一個圓形的鐵環(類似硬殼果形狀)。演奏者不斷用這鐵環敲打七弦琴,令它產生穩定的拍子。在演奏者同一條腿上,會繫上稱為『Gara』的鈴鐺。演奏者在整個演奏期間,會不停地搖動這鈴鐺。大多數演奏者都會戴上大多用一些動物皮製成,稱為『Kondo』的頭飾。舞者則會綁 『Owalo』在自己的腰間,配合非洲肯亞七弦琴優美的音調跳舞。
Size :
Length : 120 cm
Made in Kenya, Africa
Sound of Nyatiti :
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Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org
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