Code : TT 18
Introduction :
Except for percussion, the flute is arguably the oldest musical instrument known, and ancient examples have been found all over the world, apart from Australia and New Zealand. Unlike the modern side-blown (cross or transverse) instrument, early flutes were end-blown (vertical) and were made of animal bones, pierced with a blow-hole and several finger-holes. End-blown flutes are found in every continent but especially in South America and Asia, and examples exist dating from the Stone Age.
The airstream is directed against the sharp rim of the open upper end of a pipe by the player’s lips. The pitch of the note is dependent on the length of the air column; therefore, by covering or uncovering holes in the tube, the pitch can be altered.
Size :
11 x 43 cm
Made in Bali, Indonesia
Enquiry 查詢 :
(for both Retail & Wholesale 零售及大量購買均可)
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org
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