Code : TT 63
Introduction :
Quijada is a percussion instrument consisting of the lower jawbone of a donkey, horse or zebra. The jawbone is dried out and the teeth loosened. When struck with the hand, the teeth rattle, producing a powerful buzzing sound. The playing technique involves holding the quijada with one hand and striking or tapping the large end of the jaw with the palm, or a beater is used to strike the teeth or bone, and pulled along the teeth which act as a rasp. The sound of the shaky teeth increases by the resonance of the jaw. These ingredients provide the basis for a wide variety of combinations and rhythms.
In Spanish the jawbone is called quijada. It is one of the main traditional instruments used by Afro-Peruvian musical ensembles and is used in many other Latin American cultures.
在西班牙語中,顎骨被稱為 quijada。顎骨製的搖響樂器是非裔秘魯人音樂合奏中主要使用的傳統樂器,而它亦被用於其他拉丁美洲文化中。
在西班牙語中,顎骨被稱為 quijada。顎骨製的搖響樂器是非裔秘魯人音樂合奏中主要使用的傳統樂器,而它亦被用於其他拉丁美洲文化中。
Size :
36 x 18 cm
Made in Peru (Fair Trade Product)
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Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email : hkmumu@mumuschool.org
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