Chakchas 羊蹄製的『Jingles 鈴鐺樂器』


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Code : TT 83

Introduction :
Chakchas are unusual jingles made from animal materials - goat hooves. Bolivia and Peru people mainly rely on goat meat and milk. The shepherd boy cuts the goat toenails. Then, the hooves are boiled and dried to make musical instrument. Chakchas are played together with pan flutes / panpipes, or are worn by the dancers to play.
Jingles comprise a number of small rattling objects or bells which on their own would produce very little sound but which together make a significant contribution to music making. Usually worn about the body or attached to clothing. Jingles often provide a dancer’s own accompaniment. Ankle jingles are worn in many parts of the world.

羊蹄製的Jingles 鈴鐺樂器』不是常見的『Jingles 鈴鐺樂器』,它是用動物材料 羊蹄所製成的。玻利維亞及秘魯的人主要依靠山羊的肉和奶為生。牧童剪下山羊的趾甲,經煮沸、風乾後製成樂器。這樂器與排笛一同演奏,或被舞者穿戴着演奏。
Jingles 鈴鐺樂器』是用一些細小、發聲的東西或鈴鐺所製成。樂器本身只會發出非常小的聲音,但共同演奏時,它們對整個音樂製作,作出重大的貢獻。演奏者一般將這樂器佩戴在身體上或縫製於衣服上。『Jingles鈴鐺樂器』往往作為舞者自己的伴奏。在世界許多地方,演奏者都會將這樂器佩戴在腳踝上演奏。

Perimeter : 20 - 22 cm

Hooves : 35 - 37 pcs

Made in Bolivia

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Sakara Drum (Sakara 鼓)


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Code : TT 82

Introduction :
Sakara Drum is made in Burkina Faso, West Africa. It is one of the main musical instruments of Nigeria Yerba ethnic group. Mud is used to make the framework of the drum instead of wood (i.e. commonly used material). Using the fingers to press the surface of the drum in order to adjust the pitch of tone and play with drum stick together. Sakara drum is played for wedding ceremony, gathering of village people and the King’s visit.

Sakara 鼓是於西非布基納法索 (Burkina Faso) 製造的,是尼日利亞 Yerba 民族主要的樂器之一。Sakara 鼓的特徵是並不使用慣常造鼓的材料(木材)製造,而是用泥土製造鼓的框架。用手指按壓鼓面,可以調整音調高低,並使用鼓棍一同演奏。Sakara 鼓被用於婚禮、召集村民及國王駕臨。

Diameter : ~23.5 cm

Made in Burkina Faso, Africa

Sound of Sakara Drum :

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African Sistrum Rattle 非洲搖響樂器/搖鈴

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Code : TT 81

Introduction :
African Sistrum Rattle is a simple shaker made by Africa Kenya Camba ethnic group. It is made of slingshot-shaped wood with jingling metal disks / bottle caps threaded on rod. When the whole body of the shaker is shaken or struck, sound is produced. This instrument is mainly used for village festivals, events and so on.
Rattles and shakers are ubiquitous untuned percussion instruments in all musical cultures. They are used in many forms of music-making, religious ceremonies, dance and other activities. They are often simple in construction and can be made from natural materials.


Length : ~39 cm (L size)
Length : ~29 cm (S size)

Made in Kenya

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Bahamas Bamboo Flute 巴哈馬竹笛

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Code : TT 80

Introduction :
Except for percussion, the flute is arguably the oldest musical instrument known, and ancient examples have been found all over the world, apart from Australia and New Zealand. Unlike the modern side-blown (cross or transverse) instrument, early flutes were end-blown (vertical) and were made of animal bones, pierced with a blow-hole and several finger-holes. End-blown flutes are found in every continent but especially in South America and Asia, and examples exist dating from the Stone Age.
The airstream is directed against the sharp rim of the open upper end of a pipe by the player’s lips. The pitch of the note is dependent on the length of the air column; therefore, by covering or uncovering holes in the tube, the pitch can be altered.


Length : 28 cm

Finger Hole : 6

Key : D

Made in Bahamas

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Spiraldoo (螺旋形 didgeridoo)


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Code : TT 79

Introduction :
Spiraldoo is a spiral-shaped didgeridoo.
Didgeridoo is an Australian aboriginal instrument made of a variety of materials : wood, bamboo, tree bark, reptile or fish skin, or various kinds of stick. The most famous Australian instrument, however, which has become a symbol of the continent along with the boomerang and the kangaroo, is the didgeridoo : a trumpet of considerable length made of a sapling that has been hollowed out by termites. The pitch of the didgeridoo varies according to the length of the tube. Didgeridoo produces a continuous penetrating sound, though skilled players are capable of occasionally interjecting short vocal phrases. The didgeridoo is thus a kind of “storyteller”. The technique of experienced players is particularly interesting : by inhaling briefly through the nose and blowing continually into the instrument, they actually practise the “circular breathing” that was adopted by many musicians around the world in the second half of the 20th century. This technique was first introduced by jazz instrumentalists, and was later adopted even by vocalists such as Frank Sinatra.
Didgeridoos are played by men and boys, often together with clapping sticks, to accompany singing and dancing as well as for funeral ceremonies. The best position for playing the didgeridoo is seated with one leg bent to the side and the other stretched forward, with the foot helping to support the instrument. Didgeridoo is a very difficult instrument to play, and virtuoso players are recognized and highly valued members of society.

Spiraldoo 是螺旋形的 didgeridoo.
Didgeridoo 是澳洲土著的一種樂器,可用各種材料製成,如木、竹、樹皮、爬蟲類、魚皮或各種棒子。然而,這澳洲最著名的樂器,連同迴力鏢和袋鼠已成為澳洲大陸的象徵。Didgeridoo 是用被白蟻掏空了的樹幹作吹管的長喇叭。根據吹管的不同長度,didgeridoo 的聲音也不同。Didgeridoo 能發出連續而穿透的聲音,雖然熟練的演奏者有能力,偶爾會加插短聲樂於其中。因此,didgeridoo 可說是一種會『講故事』的樂器。技術、經驗豐富的演奏者特別有趣:他們通過鼻子吸氣,同時不斷吹奏樂器。他們實際上是在練習『循環呼吸』,而這技術在20世紀下半期,亦被世界各地許多音樂家所採用。這技術首次由爵士樂演奏家引進,後來甚至如歌唱家 Frank Sinatra 也採用。
Didgeridoos 男士及男孩吹奏,通常與拍手棒子 (clapping sticks) 一同演奏,為唱歌、跳舞伴奏,以及用於葬禮儀式上。最佳演奏 didgeridoo 姿勢是坐着,一條腿向側面屈曲,另一條腿向前伸展,用腳掌協助支撐樂器。吹奏 didgeridoo 非常困難,演奏家均被認可及被視為社會高度重視的成員。

Diameter : ~30 cm

Thickness : ~8 cm

Material : Mahogany Wood 桃花心木

Made in Indonesia

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Kalimba E 拇指鋼琴 E

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Code : TT 78

Introduction :
Kalimba (Sansa – known as Thumb Piano in Europe) is an African musical instrument, a type of plucked idiophone, common throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Each note of a Kalimba, Mbira, Kaffir Piano and so on is a separate idiophone, and in orchestral terms, the instrument as a whole belongs in the bar percussion family (specifically : lamellophones).
Kalimba traditionally consists of a wooden board to which metal tines of varying lengths are affixed. Some have mechanisms for readily tuning the tines to different scales. The longest tines are typically placed in the center, with shorter (and thus higher-pitched) tines arranged alternately in descending order towards both sides of the instrument. Kalimba is most commonly held in both hands, with both thumbs being used to pluck tines either simultaneously or in turn. Kalimba is often played at religious ceremonies and social gatherings. The Shona people of Zimbabwe traditionally believe that mbira music brings the world of the living in contact with the world of the spirits.
Origin and Changes of Kalimba :
The Kalimba appears to have been invented twice in Africa : a wood or bamboo-tined instrument appeared on the west coast of Africa about 3000 years ago, and metal-tined lamellophones appeared in the Zambezi River valley around 1,000 years ago.

拇指鋼琴是非洲的樂器,一種彈撥類型的體鳴樂器 (idiophone),在撒哈拉以南的非洲相當普遍。Kalimba, Mbira, Kaffir Piano 等是單獨的體鳴樂器,總括來說,屬於敲擊樂器 (明確地:屬於 lamellophones 類別)。
拇指鋼琴傳統上由不同長度的金屬片子貼在木板上組成的。調整不同長度的金屬片子可以調較樂器的音調。最長的金屬片子通常放在樂器的中間,較短的金屬片子(較高音)順長度次序放置於兩側。最常用雙手拿起拇指鋼琴,用雙手拇指同時或輪流彈奏。拇指鋼琴通常於宗教儀式或社交活動上演奏。津巴布韋 Shona 族人傳統認為 mbira 音樂可以帶來生物世界與靈體世界的接觸。

Diameter : 15 - 18 cm

Made in Indonesia

Sound of Kalimba E :

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Wooden Djembe for Tot 幼兒用木製非洲鼓

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Code : TT 77

Introduction :
Djembe is played throughout West Africa. It first came to world attention in the 1950s through the European tours of Les Ballets Africains. Latterly, the increased popularity of world music has also helped disseminate its influence.
According to the Bamana people in Mali, the name of the djembe comes from the saying "Anke djé, anke bé" which translates to "everyone gather together in peace" and defines the drum's purpose. In the Bambara language, "djé" is the verb for "gather" and "bé" translates as "peace".
Djembe can produce a wide variety of sounds, making it one of the most versatile drums. The drum sound is very loud, allowing it to be heard clearly as a solo instrument over a large percussion ensemble. The Malinké people say that a skilled drummer is one who "can make the djembe talk", meaning that the player can tell an emotional story. (The djembe was never used by the Malinké as a signaling drum to send messages.)
Djembe is normally played with bare hands. Traditionally these drums are carved from a single log and have a solid body below the cup of the goblet. The interior of the drum has a series of teardrop-shaped divots that enhance the drum timbre. The head is made from goatskin or calfskin, and is laced to the drum body with cords running vertically down the drum. More cords are woven horizontally through the vertical cords to tighten the head.

非洲鼓在整個西非非常流行。它在20世紀50年代透過 Les Ballets Africains 的歐洲之旅,第一次受到世界矚目。之後,世界音樂的日益普及,也有助於散播非洲鼓的影響力。
根據馬里班巴拉人,非洲鼓的名稱來自『Anke djé, anke bé』,翻譯為『每個人都聚集在一起,和平相處』,並定義為鼓的目的。根據班巴拉語,『djé』是動詞,解作『聚集』,而『』解作『和平』。
非洲鼓可以發出多種不同的聲音,使它成為最『多才多藝』的鼓之一。非洲鼓的鼓聲很響亮,令它能在大型的敲擊樂合奏中,好像獨奏樂器般清楚聽到其聲音。馬林克人說,一個熟練的鼓手是『可以令非洲鼓說話』,這意味着鼓手可以用鼓,告訴一個情感故事。 (馬林克人從來沒有用非洲鼓作信號鼓,發送消息。)

Height : 20 cm

Diameter : 12 cm

Colour : 3 (Black, Brown with pattern, Black with pattern)

Made in Indonesia

Sound of Wooden Djembe for Tot :

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MUMU Class Teaching Plan Main Points - MUMU 課堂教案重點


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Greetings 歡迎


Introduction 簡介


Nature 大自然

- Listen & Think 聆聽及思考


Classification (Materials)  分類(材料)

- Feel & Touch 觸摸及感受


Life 生命


Blow & Play 吹奏及演奏


Classification (Vibration) 分類(振動原理)


Conclusion 總結


Making Bird Whistle 製作鳥笛子

MUMU musical instruments include Pangi Shell Shaker, Talking Drum, Kalimba, Coconut Maracas, Frog, Quijada, Dan T'rung, Gamelan Xylophone, etc……

MUMU 樂器包括果實 Pangi 殼製的搖響樂器、會說話的鼓、拇指鋼琴、椰子搖鈴、青蛙樂器、驢顎骨製的搖響樂器、越南竹製木琴、甘美朗銅片琴 等等……





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