Around the World with MUMU Musical Instruments (Part II) 隨着樂器遊世界 (II)


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Date 日期 : 19.7.2012 (Thu)
Participant  參加者 : 18 children (9 – 13 years old)
Sponsor 贊助者 : CNEC Melrose Christian Church 中華傳道會牧幼堂









Listen & Think 聆聽及思考
Introduce different musical instruments from the world 介紹世界各種不同的樂器
- Origin 來源
- Different playing methods 各種不同的演奏方法
> Encourage free imagination 鼓勵自由想像
> Understand different cultures 了解各地的文化
* Main point : “Communication” 重點:『溝通』

Touch & Feel 觸摸及感受
Touch the musical instruments directly 親身觸摸樂器
Recognition of materials : Animals, Plants & Minerals 材料認知:動物、植物及礦物質
> Direct experience 親身體驗
> Recognition of different materials 認識各種不同的材料
* Main point : “Life” 重點:『生命』

Play the musical instruments 演奏樂器
Play the musical instruments together or in groups 配合其他樂器,一同或分組
Example : Forest Carnival 例如:森林嘉年華
> Show cooperation 表現合作性

Bring out the Definition and Importance of Music
Under comfortable environment, feel the Joy and Happiness from music

Enquiry 查詢 :
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email :

Around the World with MUMU Musical Instruments (Part I) 隨着樂器遊世界 (I)

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Date 日期 : 19.7.2012 (Thu)
Participant 參加者 : 20 children (5 – 8 years old)
Sponsor 贊助者 : CNEC Melrose Christian Church 中華傳道會牧幼堂

Listen & Think 聆聽及思考
Introduce different musical instruments from the world 介紹世界各種不同的樂器
- Origin 來源
- Different playing methods 各種不同的演奏方法
> Encourage free imagination 鼓勵自由想像
> Understand different cultures 了解各地的文化
* Main point : “Communication” 重點:『溝通』

Touch & Feel 觸摸及感受
Touch the musical instruments directly 親身觸摸樂器
Recognition of materials : Animals, Plants & Minerals 材料認知:動物、植物及礦物質
> Direct experience 親身體驗
> Recognition of different materials 認識各種不同的材料
* Main point : “Life” 重點:『生命』







Play the musical instruments 演奏樂器
Play the musical instruments together or in groups 配合其他樂器,一同或分組
Example : Forest Carnival 例如:森林嘉年華
> Show cooperation 表現合作性




Bring out the Definition and Importance of Music
Under comfortable environment, feel the Joy and Happiness from music

Enquiry 查詢 :
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
Email :