Crafted Musical Instrument Making Project : Design and Make Musical Instrument that is “Only One” in the World
Time required 所需時間 : 1 – 3 months
Participant 參加者 : 9 years old and above 九歲或以上
No. of Participant 參加者人數 : 30
No. of Lecturer 導師人數 : minimum 3Spread wings of hope through arts
Creative education to find out my unique value
Nurture confident and creative talents through experience of artistic creation. This is an educational program for artistic creation. It is aimed to help to find out one’s unique value through arts education. In this program, each participant makes one instrument of a kind in the world with one’s thoughts and purpose and presents it.
Enquiry 查詢 :
Tel : (852) 5343 3022
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